If you need to cancel your appointment, please let us know at least 2 hours before your appointment starts. Appointments not cancelled within 2 hours of the starting time will be charged for.


Meal plans are sent via email within 4 working days of your initial consultation.
If you have questions relating to your meal plan or would like any revisions to your meal plan, please let us know within 2 weeks of receiving your plan. This will be free of charge as long as it falls into the 2-week time window. Any revisions thereafter will require a follow-up consultation and will be charged for under this consultation.


If you have paid for a consultation and would like to reschedule, please do let us know at least 2 hours before your consultation and we will reschedule you without charging.

Consultations are non-refundable once the consultation has taken place.
If you have paid ahead of time for a consultation but have not yet had the consultation and would like a refund, we will process the refund for you within 5 working days. Please note that any fees charged to us for processing your payment and/ or refund, will be deducted from the refunded amount. Alternatively, you are welcome to keep your paid amount as a credit for future consultations with us.