Jessica Kotlowitz is a Registered Clinical Dietitian (Msc. Nutr, Stell.) who is passionate about all things vegan nutrition and maternal and infant nutrition.
Since becoming a mother and sharing more of my pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and starting solids journey on social media, I have been bombarded with consult requests and messages from fellow parents needing more support with maternal and infant nutrition.
This field of nutrition is one of my biggest passions in life and I have found myself responding to Instagram DM’s and Whatsapps from fellow moms late into the night out of pure love for helping moms and babies on their feeding journeys.
Although I see many parents and parents-to-be in my private practice and help them one-on-one, I often find that parents need much more support and info than what can be provided in a single consult. In addition, many parents can’t afford this option. I have received many requests to put on workshops and webinars regarding various aspects of paediatric nutrition. Being a mom with a busy practice, developing workshops and webinars is not on the cards right now.
Instead, I have decided to open up a paid online support group for those needing support with their journey into feeding themselves during pregnancy and postpartum and their growing children. The perfect space to find community, connect with fellow parents and have regular access to support from a healthcare professional at an affordable fee.
I aim to use this group to educate fellow parents on everything I know about maternal and infant nutrition: from nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and starting solids all the way to dealing with picky eating during toddlerhood. We will have weekly live video calls to discuss pertinent topics and monthly experts to discuss non-nutrition health topics such as prenatal care, infant sleep, eco-conscious parenting, family planning, emotional regulation, exercise and movement and more.
If this group interests you, please read on…
Jessica and her son Gabriel.
Image by Kelly Trindade, Motherheartlens